Are you concerned about the maintenance aspects of teak outdoor furniture?

Well, the good news is that you are not the only person who is going through this question. In fact, the majority of people think about the same issue while buying new patio furniture.
Hopefully, teak furniture holds natural oil inside itself to keep woods in good form for several months.
Though teak furniture can tolerate years of rain, heat, and cold, it will ultimately lose colour and temper if left alone for several years. And, to assist you in keeping this beautiful thing glowing and lasting for decades, I have prepared a guide discussing how to protect teak outdoor furniture.
Best Way To Protect Teak Outdoor Furniture
Teak includes natural oil that refuses to accept moisture. Additionally, this dense wood does not crack or brittle too easily. There are many outstanding ways to protect or maintain teak outdoor furniture. Let’s talk about some pro tips to care and maintain teak furniture.
Keep your furniture dry
Yeah, outdoor furniture may get wet anytime. Snow or rain whatever the weather conditions, just make sure that the surface of the furniture always remains dry. Simply wipe away any type of liquid from your furniture when it gets wet. Don’t let the water settle for a long time. It will lead the colour to fade away and let moulds grow.
Keep them away from the sun
It’s almost impossible to avoid the sun for patio furniture. But continuous and direct sunlight can degrade the colour of your teak furniture quickly. Try to position them in a place where the shadow is available for a long time. You can set them under a tree or use an extra-large umbrella to protect them from the sun.
Clean your furniture often
Clean them with available teak furniture cleaner in the marketplace. You can also apply a homemade solution consisting ½ cup of vinegar with ½ cup of water with 2 teaspoons of dish soap in a spray bottle. Apply the solution over the furniture thoroughly. Then hang around for 5 minutes and carefully scrub the furniture with a soft bristle brush as per need. Finally, wipe the remaining dust, soup and water. You will get an instant glow.
Stain the surface after proper sanding
Proper sanding of the surface as well as cleaning debris appropriately will help to keep the freshness of the furniture for a long time. Sanding paper such as 120-grit or 220-grit can the best option for smooth sanding. After sanding and cleaning the debris, apply the sanding sealer then stain. Repeat the process until you get your desired colour.
Use teak furniture oil
Using teak furniture oil helps to keep the furniture free from moulds. It keeps the golden honey colour of the teak furniture by stopping the patina process. Surprisingly, this golden shiny look keeps squirrel away from your outdoor furniture. But, in some case, it is found that cheap teak oil has damaged the natural oil of the teak wood.
Cover up your furniture in extreme weather
In extreme weather like heatwave or continuous rain consider covering up your teak furniture. You can also store them in sheds or indoor in such situations. However, covering your outdoor furniture may not provide 100 per cent safety but it will help to some extent.
Avoid power washing
Many people enjoy power washing as it is an easy and satisfying solution to clean anything. But in the case of wooden furniture, it’s too rough. It will damage the layer of wood and ruin the smoothness and texture of the furniture. Moreover, It ruins the stain, makes the surface brittle.
Watch out before buying your teak furniture
Before buying furniture or wood for your DIY project remember some vital points. A simple rule is the older the tree, the better the wood. Because the older tree contains less wood sap with more natural oil & resin. Trees which are cut during winter season contain a small amount of wood sap, so this wood is preferable.
Another thing you should notice is the wood must be well seasoned. Well-seasoned wood does not change shape and doesn’t get swollen. Ask your dealer or seller about those things and he/she will inform you.

To sum up
Teak furniture adds great value to your backyard or porch. Well-maintained furniture will give your home a posh look. Besides, a well-furnished house reflects your passion.
Here, I have provided some important tips about how to protect teak outdoor furniture. Give it a shot to guard your expansive outdoor teak furniture. With the right teak furniture care techniques, your favorite wood will maintain its gorgeous appearance for several years.
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This is Autem Decker. Main Author of ‘TheHomeDigs‘. You may not find her on the list of top 10 contemporary Canadian interior designers, but everyone who knows her says she was born to be an interior designer.
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