Home renovation job includes lots of cleaning and removal tasks. Many people ask, “how to remove glued-down carpet pad from concrete?”.
Indeed, people who work for this purpose know how tough the task appears. The adhesive is very stubborn, and often the finishing goes wrong to deal with the concrete. So, I have brought the idea to remove carpet pad glue easily from the concrete surfaces.
In short, you should (or at least try) scrape off the top layer of carpet using a utility knife. Then, apply some adhesive remover and warm water mixture to remove the glued-down layer. After that, apply a mixture of warm water and dishwashing liquid to clean the leftover. Sand the concrete to ensure everything is fine and smooth.
Once I was too worried about the stuck carpet pad removal from concrete. But now, it has been easier since I have learned the methods to complete the task. So, I am here to discuss this matter intensely in this post.
Glued Down Carpet Pad Removal from Concrete
Over time, your carpet padding will deteriorate and break down, especially if it is glued to your subfloor. It can cause your carpet to loosen, ripple, and separate from the tack strips. If this happens, your carpet will need to be re-stretched and possibly replaced.
In this case, removing the deteriorated carpet pad is essential. Below are several ways to remove the old carpet pad from a concrete surface:
Make Yourself Ready
Many of us may avoid this step, yet it is essential like others. While working on concrete, you can be a bit susceptible to the particles of carpet pad and dust particles. So, you should wear a dust mask, knee pads, and a set of hand gloves. These things will cover you from vulnerabilities.
Work on the Top Layer
Take a utility knife (or a quality scraper) to clean the carpet padding residue jammed at the upper layer. Scrape the glue slowly to ensure the proper protection of the tool. It may take some minutes to hours, depending on the size of the floor. Again, check the surface carefully unless you miss any spot of it.
Apply Warm Water & Adhesive Remover Mixture
It is time to work on the glue, like softening its layer. Likewise, make a mixture of some adhesive remover and warm water. Then, apply the mix as a layer to the glue layer. The glue beneath carpet padding will become soft after a couple of minutes (assume 15-20 minutes). It will help you to clean this softened glue from the concrete.
Apply Some Dishwashing Liquid
After removing the softened glue and residual carpet padding, you must clean the concrete surface. Otherwise, the renovation will fail as you cannot get smooth carpet padding when you re-do this. Now, make a solution of dishwashing liquid and warm water. Ensure the liquid is suitable mainly for enzyme-based products.
Next, apply the solution to the whole surface and wait for at least 10 minutes to let the surface soak. Then, clean the surface with a soft sponge. Alternatively, many experts may suggest you use a floor cleaner.
Sand the Concrete
After the above cleaning, I suggest you sand the just-treated concrete floor. Sanding gives the surface a premium, smooth, and shiny look. There are versatile types of sanding tools available on the market.
From my experience, an orbital sander is a quicker and safer solution to sand the concrete. You may also use heavy grit (120-300 grit) sandpaper to do the same task but at a slow rate. After sanding the floor, there will be no residues of adhesive that was beneath the very carpet pad.
Hire Professional
If you do not have enough time or tools to do the task, it is better not to attempt it. I am not stopping you from doing it, but it can be risky for the concrete and yourself. In this case, contacting any relevant professional can be a better idea. They have skills, tools, and proper knowledge to deal with any stubborn glued-down carpet pad from any concrete surfaces.
Things Needed
To complete the carpet pad removal, I suggest you have these tools to follow all the above steps. They are readily available at nearby stores or online.
- Utility knife
- High-quality, sharp scraper
- Adhesive/glue remover
- Warm water
- Dishwashing liquid
- An orbital sander (or sandpaper)
- Dust mask
- Knee pads
- Hand gloves
When Should You Replace the Glued-Down Carpet Pad?
Replacing the carpet pad or repairing the damaged concrete is a hassle. It can cause you to spend a lot of money and time.
Many experts suggest a replacement is preferable after 5 years of carpet pad installation on the concrete surfaces. It will increase the lifespan of the floor. Also, it helps to protect the carpet padding from mold, tiny insects, and long-lasting damage.
Taking more than 5 years may lead you to spend a lot of money. It may not be so effective and long-lasting. Hence, some signs may help you identify the time to replace the carpet pad. Some signs are stains or marks, notable damage on the concrete, and seeped water via the surface.
The replacement time also depends on the carpet pad quality and variation. Some will lose their integrity below 5 years, and some will last almost 10-15 years without showing any sign of replacement.
Removing glued-down carpet padding can be a messy and time-consuming job. But it’s essential to do it right to avoid damaging the floor underneath. With a bit of planning, you can remove the padding and make your floor look new again.
If you follow the steps I have discussed, you will get the brilliant result you want. Finally, take your time. It is not a quick job. So, be patient and go slowly to avoid damaging your floor.
This is Autem Decker. Main Author of ‘TheHomeDigs‘. You may not find her on the list of top 10 contemporary Canadian interior designers, but everyone who knows her says she was born to be an interior designer.
She makes her plan in her head and draws them in her years-old diary with a note in the corner. The way she plays with color and shape amazes us.
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