Polyurethane is a kind of fluid plastic material used for various purposes in house furnishings. It’s mostly used as water-resistant on top of furniture, wood floorings as well as underneath rugs or carpets for instance.
Despite having its benefits as a padding substance to make furniture into a more durable and comfortable item, polyurethane can also cause quite an inconvenience at times. In particular, it may leave behind stubborn stains on your carpet if you drop it by any chance.
Therefore this article is about the way out of such problems, like how to get polyurethane out of carpets. Read further to find out the solution.
5 Simple Steps to Get Polyurethane Stain Out Of Carpet
Like any other issue, the solution to this mess also requires some proper measure of action to follow. To remove polyurethane from the carpet, you’ll primarily require a couple of tools. Such as a toothbrush, acetone (sold as a commercial dye stripper), a paint/dye scrapper, a bristly scrub brush, and a steam cleaner.
After you’ve gathered everything you need start the procedure following the steps mentioned below-
Step 1: Scrubbing
Once polyurethane has been spilled on the carpet, the first thing you got to do is scrub. Pour a small quantity of soap water on the stained area of the carpet and gently start scrubbing it with a toothbrush.
This process is going to work only if you’re scrubbing it while the polyurethane is still wet. If not, it’s going to be a tough job to get the dried pieces of stuff out of the carpet just by using a toothbrush.
Nevertheless, after you finish scrubbing, you need to vacuum the carpet to remove those particles that got out from it while scrubbing. Then, go ahead with the next move.
Step 2- Applying Acetone
The next thing you got to do is to apply acetone to the tainted part of the carpet. To do so, soak a clean piece of cloth with a small amount of acetone and dab it against the stain. You can also try using a remover that is used for getting rid of nail polish as an alternative instead of acetone if you don’t have it at the moment.
However, while using chemicals like acetone make sure to take necessary measures. Such as putting on face masks & gloves to prevent danger and ensure safety.
Now, let the acetone be seated on the spot for a while. In case the stain is excessively large, you might need to put the whole section of the carpet in acetone in order to saturate it. Acetone also works excellently while polycrylic is spilled on the carpet.
Step 3- Using a Dye Scraper
After the acetone is all sucked up by the carpet, you need to start breaking off the desiccated polyurethane from the carpet. You can do it using a paint/dye scrapper. It’s really helpful to get dried polyurethane out of the carpet.
Large pieces of dried polyurethane should probably begin to come up while you use the paint scraper. If you still see there’s more remaining polyurethane, try cleaning it using a rag.
Although, you might need to repeat the whole process of using both the scrapper and rag just in case there are more visible chunks left behind.
Step 4- Using a Scrubbing Brush
The next step is to get rid of the excess particles from the carpet. So, use a bristly scrub brush on the peak of the stained spot. This will help you to tear those polyurethane particles out from your carpet.
Afterward, just vacuum the carpet to wrap up your task.
Step 5- Steam Cleaning
Now it’s time for the final action of the entire procedure and that would be steam cleaning the whole carpet. Because acetone can decay your carpet if it’s left out there for a long time. That’s why this step is essential for eliminating every bit of acetone away from the carpet.
In order to execute the step of steam cleaning your carpet, you’re going to need a steam cleaner. Take your preferred steam cleaner and pour hot water inside the water tank to fill it up. You can also add a few drops of liquid dish soap or white refined vinegar to the water. This will let the carpet get rid of the filth leaving it spotless.
Start using the steam cleaner from an angle that’s diagonally against the door of the room. Make sure to saturate all parts of the carpet while you use the equipment in your direction the way from one side to another.
As soon as you are done steam cleaning the whole carpet, let it dry completely. To hurry up the drying process you can simply turn the ceiling fan on until it’s dried up and ready for re-entering.
Kick the Polyurethane Out of your Carpet Now!
Getting rid of polyurethane from your carpet is really essential. Because letting it stay can not only affect your carpet’s outer appearance but also destroys the carpet by growing mold within it.
Hence, you have got to fix this issue as soon as possible to prevent damage to your carpet. Follow these above step-by-step instructions carefully to get the best outcome from your effort.
This is Autem Decker. Main Author of ‘TheHomeDigs‘. You may not find her on the list of top 10 contemporary Canadian interior designers, but everyone who knows her says she was born to be an interior designer.
She makes her plan in her head and draws them in her years-old diary with a note in the corner. The way she plays with color and shape amazes us.
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